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August 11, 2023 auf Fetalmonitore
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services anticipates a nursing workforce gap of 3.6 million by 2030, according to U.S. News & World Report. A study by the staffing agency ConnectRN may explain why: more than half of 1,000 nurses polled don’t believe their employers do enough to help them during nurse shortages. And it’s not just impacting their own well-being; nine out of ten believe such a shortage compromises patient care quality.
There is no one solution to narrow that national workforce gap, but any individual hospital strategy should look at the role medical and IT equipment access can play in elevating the nurse experience. Giving nurses the means to use equipment they need where and when they need it means they spend more time providing direct patient care.
One reason our mobile, configurable GCX Fetal Monitoring Workstation remains so popular is because it provides so much at the point of care. Features like:
Labor & Delivery nurse managers understand the link between retention and job satisfaction. These nurses are more apt to feel good about their job when they spend quality time with patients during a shift.
If you’re ready to help boost nurse satisfaction in your L&D unit, give us a call to learn more about how our products might assist those efforts.