Standardisieren Sie GCX-Montagelösungen in Ihrer gesamten Gesundheitseinrichtung.
Montagelösungen für Geräte der Informationstechnologie und der elektronischen Krankenakte.
Montagelösungen je nach Montageort.
Befestigungslösungen, die speziell für Ihre medizinischen und Patientenüberwachungsgeräte entwickelt wurden.
Die Montagelösungen für OEM-Partner im Bereich medizinischer Geräte reichen von Standardprodukten bis hin zu kompletten kundenspezifischen Produkten.
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GCX manufactures mounting hardware for a variety of patient monitoring equipment and related devices. The configurations shown are provided for reference only and are intended to show the components available for building a complete workstation. Due to the significant variations in anesthesia machines and related equipment, GCX makes no claims regarding the tip stability or overall safety of the final configuration. It is the responsibility of the healthcare institution to ensure that the configuration—the anesthesia machine and all components set on, or mounted to, it—is safe.
GCX manufactures mounting hardware for a variety of patient monitoring equipment and related devices. The configurations shown are provided for reference only and are intended to show the components available for building a complete workstation. Due to the significant variations in fetal monitoring carts, GCX makes no claims regarding the tip stability or overall safety of the final configuration. It is the responsibility of the healthcare institution to ensure that the configuration—the fetal cart and all components set on, or mounted to, it—is safe.
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