octubre 11, 2022 en Hardware EMR, Soluciones de montaje médico, Tabletas
Is your mount keeping up with your investments in EMR, tablet and mobile solutions? If you’re planning or in the process of adding or upgrading IT equipment, it’s important to...
Seguir leyendonoviembre 2, 2021 en Mesa de interacción para el paciente, Tabletas
Solutions like our award-winning Patient Overbed Table bring tablets to patients in a secure manner, so they can stay informed and keep in contact with care teams, family and friends....
Seguir leyendomarzo 30, 2020 en Dispositivos médicos, Dispositivos móviles, Soluciones a la medida, Tabletas
The Philips Lumify is a portable ultrasound device with multiple transducers that enables users to simply download a mobile application onto a smart device, plug in the transducer, and go....
Seguir leyendomarzo 3, 2020 en Dispositivos médicos, Experiencia del paciente, Soluciones de montaje médico, Tabletas
The ability to gather and access information with the touch of a fingertip, and carry it around wherever you go, is invaluable for those working in healthcare. It is for...
Seguir leyendoagosto 28, 2018 en Dispositivos médicos, Tabletas
Since GCX’s foray into patient engagement projects officially launched some three years ago, we’ve been listening to how we can best help our customers fulfill a growing need with our...
Seguir leyendojulio 6, 2016 en Dispositivos móviles, Experiencia del paciente, Mesa de interacción para el paciente, Tabletas
In a Richmond, Va., hospital’s ICU, tetraplegics unable to move by themselves are communicating and staying connected to the outside world by controlling an overhead laptop’s cursor using their eye...
Seguir leyendojunio 6, 2016 en Dispositivos médicos, Dispositivos móviles, Soluciones de montaje médico, Tabletas
Generally speaking, hospitalized patients can have difficulty using a tablet device because (a) they may be unable to a grip the device securely; (b) they can’t position it for comfortable...
Seguir leyendoenero 4, 2016 en Experiencia del paciente, Mesa de interacción para el paciente, Tabletas
Not long ago, one of our customers asked this question: What could we do within a patient’s room to make it easier to use a tablet or other portable electronic...
Seguir leyendodiciembre 11, 2015 en Experiencia del paciente, Mesa de interacción para el paciente, Soluciones de montaje médico, Tabletas
Hospitalizations can be traumatic experiences, whether a visit is planned or not. Patients find themselves surrounded by unfamiliar equipment — monitors to track their vital signs and devices that help...
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