GCX Launches New Support Arm for Tablets

The VHM-T is designed for easier and more ergonomic tablet use in healthcare settings

Petaluma, California, USA — 8月 29, 2018

Patients now have a new option to safely view apps and online content using tablets with the launch of the GCX VHM-T variable height arm. This latest addition to the growing fleet of GCX mounting solutions provides exceptional cable management and a wide range of safe viewing angles to improve patient engagement at the point of care.

“As a manufacturer that designs mounting solutions exclusively for medical environments, our newest arm meets a growing need for medical communities wanting to best leverage the popularity of tablets to improve their patients’ experiences,” said Cris Daugbjerg, GCX Vice President of Development and Sales. “Having a securely-mounted tablet allows healthcare organizations to safely provide their patients with access to apps and online content that contribute to the quality of care.”

The GCX VHM-T variable height arm works with tablets made by Apple, Microsoft, Samsung and others. It features exceptional cable management with 100% concealment for two cables, along with easy access should cables need to be updated or replaced. The arm comes with parallel linkage, so a tablet maintains a constant viewing angle throughout its range of motion. All movement points are pre-set from the factory to allow quick setup and little to no maintenance.

Among the new arm’s core features and benefits:

  • Unparalleled precision, ease of movement and adjustability so the arm moves readily and smoothly into place at every point within its full range of motion for optimal positioning and viewing.
  • Outstanding cable management for easier cleaning, provides simple access for service, and creates a professional-looking solution.
  • Medical-grade for maximum cleanability and durability to withstand constant use and harsh cleaning regimens typically used in healthcare facilities for infection control.

The GCX VHM-T is part of the company’s growing patient engagement-focused product line manufactured under its ISO 13485 certified quality system. This arm and other solutions, like the award-winning Patient Engagement Table, can improve patient outcomes and satisfaction rates. By better enabling tablet access, clinicians can provide apps to educate, connect and entertain patients during outpatient visits and hospitalizations. For more information or to place an order for the VHM-T, visit the GCX website at www.gcx.com or contact Kevin Merritt, Director of Marketing, at (800) 228-2555, Ext. 713.


GCX Corp.は、カリフォルニア州ペタルマに本社を置き、1971年の設立以来、直販および相手先ブランド製造(OEM)により、医療機器およびITマウントソリューションを医療業界に提供しています。主な製品ラインは、ウォールマウント、ロールスタンド、カウンタートップマウント、ポールマウント、各種マウントアクセサリなど。GCXのマウントソリューションは、省スペースで人間工学に基づいた設計が特徴で、機器と患者のアクセスの両方を向上させる。同社は北米、ヨーロッパ、日本、台湾にオフィスを構えている。また、カリフォルニア州ペタルマ、テキサス州エルパソ、台湾新北市に倉庫と生産施設を運営している。詳細はwww.gcx.com。
